Expert Stamps : Louis-Edouard BEHR -
Expert for antique paintings : René MILLET -
Expert lot 197: Camille CELIER -
African Art Expert: Jean-Pierre LACOSTE -
Public exhibitions :
Thursday February 10th from 11am to 8pm
Friday February 11 from 11am to 12pm
All indications relating to incidents, accidents, restoration, conservation measures affecting a lot are communicated in order to facilitate its inspection by the potential buyer and remain subject to the latter's entire appreciation. The absence of an indication of an incident, accident, restoration or conservation measure does not imply that a lot is free of any defect, restoration or conservation measure.
Conversely, a reference to a particular defect does not imply the absence of other defects. No claim will be accepted once the auction has been pronounced, the exhibitions having enabled the future buyers to observe the condition of the objects presented and to form their own opinion. Dimensions and weights are given as an indication.